Saturday 20 July 2013

Things to Do in the Morning to Prevent Bloat All Day

3 Things to Do in the Morning to Prevent Bloat All Day

Feeling bloated not only makes you feel uncomfortable or self-conscious in your clothes, it can also cause you to feel sluggish and less productive. Before you're doomed to a day of sweatpants, do these three things in the morning to curb that inflated feeling.
  • Get moving: Constipation is often the reason you feel uncomfortably full. And if you aren't able to go to the bathroom before heading out for the day, stress from your job, time constraints, and less privacy can make it hard to relax and follow nature's call. If your body isn't quite ready to go to the bathroom, exercise can help get things moving. Drink a glass of water and eat a small snack at least 30 minutes before you work out; all that moving around is sure to offer results.
  • Sip on this: Getting enough fiber throughout the day is key to keeping you regular, so start your morning off right with this 280-calorie flat-belly smoothie. Pair it will a slice of whole-wheat toast for a total of 10 grams of fiber. Not into smoothies? Here are some other high-fiber breakfast ideas.
  • Yoga for digestion: While good old-fashioned cardio can help move things along, targeting a bloated belly with yoga poses specifically designed to aid digestion will also have you feeling better in no time.

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