Tuesday 16 July 2013

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Fitness Myths

Fitness Myths De-bunked

Some fitness myths have persisted for years, yet adhering to certain misconceptions can be harmful to your health and impede any progress that you might otherwise have made.

Myth #1: Crunches and other abdominal muscles workouts will get you a flat stomach

Crunches, sit-ups, abdominal rollers and the like are great for toning your stomach, right? Yes and no. Your abdominal muscles are covered with body fat, and the only way to get the six pack you want is to get rid of the fat first. Since you can't target areas on your body for fat removal, replacing abdominal workouts with cardio exercises and weight lifting training will help you burn fat, not only in your stomach, but other areas of the body as well. Cardio by itself will burn belly fat, but at a much slower rate than combining it with weight training.
9 Ab Exercises that Work

Myth #2: Drinking lots of water helps you lose weight

This myth is true, but with a caution. One study by Dr. Brenda Davy, associate professor of human nutrition, foods and exercise at Virginia Tech, found that people who drank two to three glasses of water 20 to 30 minutes prior to each meal lost more weight more quickly than those who didn't. Even drinking one glass of water before a meal caused people to eat 75 fewer calories. If you eliminated 75 calories from each meal (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), you would lose close to one kilogram in a month.
Although it's very rare, it is possible to drink too much water, resulting in hyponatremia, also known as water intoxication. Hyponatremia literally means "low salt," and when the sodium level in blood becomes too low, extra water enters the cells and causes them to swell. This can become potentially harmful or even fatal if the cells in your brain begin to swell, since the skull keeps it from expanding. Luckily, hyponatremia is very rare. If you're unsure about how much you need to drink to lose weight effectively, you can count your body weight in kilograms the number of ounces of water you should drink in a day.
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Myth #3: Stretching before a workout prevents injury

Stretching before a workout doesn't actually increase your range of motion, as many people believe. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that people who stretched before a workout weren't any less prone to injuries than those who didn't. And a 2010 study published in the Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine found that people who used traditional stretching methods, such as touching their toes, were less flexible than those who did more active stretching and used more muscle groups.

Myth #4: Using weight lifting makes you bulky

Women tend to be especially apprehensive about using weights for fear they'll end up looking like bodybuilders, but they don't have to worry. Muscle takes up less space than fat, so using weights will actually cause your measurements to shrink instead of increase. Strength training helps you lose weight faster and keep it off longer, according to Jeffrey Janot, PhD, an assistant professor of exercise physiology at South Dakota State University.
Also keep in mind that testosterone plays a huge role in increasing muscle size. Since men have 20 to 30 times more testosterone than women, it's more noticeable when they bulk up.
Surprising Facts About Testosterone

Myth #5: Working out means you can eat whatever you want

Unfortunately, this myth is just wishful thinking. You still need to count calories in order to lose weight and keep it off, even if you exercise on a regular basis. If you're not sure how many calories you're taking in and how many you're burning, try using a calorie counter program to keep track.

Why are some people mosquito magnets?

If you feel as if every mosquito in a 50-mile radius has you locked in its sights, while your friends are rarely bitten, you could be right. Up to 20 percent of us are highly alluring to mosquitoes—and scientists have discovered some surprising reasons.
“Both your metabolism and your unique body chemistry—which is as distinctive as a fingerprint—play an important role in determining whether or not you’re a mosquito magnet,” says University of Florida entomology professor Dr. Phil Koehler. “Also, there’s evidence that your degree of attractiveness to mosquitoes can change over time.”
Here are some intriguing discoveries about why some of us are particularly tasty targets for the tiny vampires:

Mosquitos prefer blood type O

In their quest for a meal, mosquitoes are nearly twice as likely to land on people with type 0 blood than those with type A, according to a Japanese study.  Indeed, the biting pests consider type 0 more delectable than any other blood type, the researchers reported. Most people secrete substances that allow mosquitoes to identify blood type before they bite.

Beer drinkers beware

Swigging just one bottle of beer can significantly boost your risk of being bitten, according to a study published in Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. The researchers reported that, “Mosquito landing on volunteers significantly increased after beer ingestion compared with before ingestion.”
8 Healthiest Summer Cocktails

Watch out for the full moon

The tiny bloodsuckers are 500 times more active when the moon is full, reports the American Mosquito Control Association (AMCA). Overall, the highest risk times for mosquito bites are dusk and dawn, with the females of some species migrating up to 40 miles in pursuit of a meal. (Male mosquitoes don’t bite.)

Keep your socks on

The pungent aroma of dirty feet is apparently irresistible to mosquitoes, as a brave scientist, Bart Knols, discovered when he sat in a lab in his underwear to find out which parts of the body the pests are most likely to target. He found that 75 percent of the bugs homed in on his feet, but after he washed them with deodorant soap, the mosquitos bit randomly. His team also reported that stinky cheeses, such as Limburger—which has the same odoriferous compound responsible for foot odor—also draws mosquitoes.

Mosquitos know if you’re expecting

Moms-to-be get bitten about twice as often as women who aren’t pregnant, increasing their risk for bug-borne diseases, according to a study conducted in Gambia. The researchers hypothesized that since women in the later stages of pregnancy exhale 21 percent more volume, mosquitos were drawn in by the moisture and carbon dioxide in their breath. They also found that pregnant women's abdomens are nearly 1 degree warmer, which may cause more volatile substances—released in sweat and attractive to mosquitos—to be present on their skin. Not only do several other studies have similar findings, says Dr. Koehler, but “there’s also evidence that women are more attractive to mosquitoes during certain phases of the ovulation cycle.” Studies have mixed results as to whether men or women are more likely to get bitten, he adds.
Are You Bug Savvy? Learn How to Prevent Head Lice

Running won’t help you

Both the carbon dioxide we exhale and substances in sweat, such as lactic acid, help mosquitoes home in on their prey. As a result, Dr. Koehler reports. “You’re more likely to be bitten if you’re running or exercising than when you’re at rest, since you’re breathing harder and sweating more.” In fact, physical activity ups risk for bites by as much as 50 percent, according to AMCA.

Like vampires, they prefer dark clothes

Dark-colored clothing can increase your risk of falling victim to the little bloodsuckers, compared to lighter-colored garments, says Dr. Koehler. In one study comparing the appeal of various hues to mosquitoes, the researchers reported  the following results:  black (most attractive); red (very attractive); grey and blue (neutral); khaki, green, light khaki, and yellow (less attractive).